Post Lockdown Recruiting in this Jobs ‘Market’
Nu-Recruit, Jobs & the very different jobs ‘Market’….. I’m the most ancient of Recruiters. I’ve done this job for over 29yrs & since April 2021 I am still finding my feet & in fact its fair to say broadsided with the state of the jobs market since the Pandemic. If this is indeed, ‘Post’ pandemic. […]

Is this job Part Time or Full time? Let’s see what turns up.
My blogs are usually focussed on imparting advice & offering up comments on job hunting, but this one, if you’ll forgive me, is a little indulgent musing on something I’m starting to see creep in since late last year on the jobs market. In Liverpool & Chester. I’m getting super jobs in, but as I’m […]

Real life graduation. Into work
I interview Graduates & I really do know how tough it is out there for them. The long term view isn’t all that bright & I can’t give Graduates a heap of platitudes. There are too many candidates – Grad & non Grad on the market looking for the same jobs to do that. But, […]

The dreaded Client / Recruiter VISIT!
This quick little blog is aimed at clients. Employers. Bosses….whatever you choose to call yourselves. And its aimed at your relationship with me: the Recruiter. I take vacancies from some really nice, responsive clients & I have to say lots of my clients know me, know how I work & I know them. But businesses […]

What can happen when you circumvent the Recruiter….?
I choose to work with a certain type of candidate & believe me it works the other way. Candidates choose to use me. On speaking to me, reading my website & my blogs, it’s immediately evident I’m very different & don’t use the much over-used high street ‘recruiting’ speak from the outset, but I guess […]

Why bother giving feedback?
This blog is about a very real & current issue – it’s a ‘hot potato!’ Due to the position I’m in, I see the disappointment when candidates tell me yes, they went to that interview & no, there was no feedback. Rubbish. I & many other Agencies & employers see it as part & parcel […]