Real life graduation. Into work

I interview Graduates & I really do know how tough it is out there for them. The long term view isn’t all that bright & I can’t give Graduates a heap of platitudes. There are too many candidates – Grad & non Grad on the market looking for the same jobs to do that.

But, if I can impart one really solid piece of advice it’s this: if you finished studying last Summer & still have no work, you must try & push yourself NOW to get some Temping – or voluntary work.

I’m noticing those candidates that haven’t managed to secure anything are getting a little left by the wayside. And clients are overlooking them.

To explain. I was a Graduate (Manchester University – Politics & History thank you very much) & I understand there are shiny new Graduates that do hold out for a Permanent job.

And I also see that candidates either ‘get ‘ temping & want to do it….or just don’t like the idea or don’t understand what it is. And I’m not being patronizing – I do hear that a lot during interviews.

So if that’s the case, gird your lions, get on the phone to a local agency & ask about opportunities. Send your CV over & chase it up. Timing is a simply amazingly effective way to secure work. I lost a booking 2 weeks ago last thing Friday evening. A CV came over Friday night & I met her 8am Monday morning & my Graduate candidate is now in a 2 month temp booking. All because her timing was lucky. It was less about skills as this role required very little experience.

Temping is valuable. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Ignoring the fact it actually pays you, it can lead to an unexpected permanent role, a fresh reference on your CV & can take you down work & life avenues that you hadn’t explored. Ditto with voluntary work. I admit I’m a little less positive about Internships – but if you’re after a ‘technical’ role I can see the use.

In comparison to other candidates that have – albeit sketchy – temp / voluntary experience, those with a blank 7 / 8 months of nothing are less appealing. Candidates crop up with better skills all the time & as I’m at the sharp end I can tell you that that amount of time after a degree with zero work experience – takes some explaining in comparison to other applicants.

Show your tenacity. Try & avoid the gap.

I’m Roseanne Stockton & I successfully run Nu-Recruit – I place permanent & temporary candidates of the very best caliber into great local employers & jobs in Liverpool, Chester & Wirral. In a no-fuss, no nonsense way.

And I love what I do.

Call me if you think my experience will help you get the best temp or perm candidate for your job! And please feel free comment on my Blog…..

3 responses to “Real life graduation. Into work”

  1. Amy says:

    I totally agree, great advice. Temping is great for keeping you ‘in the loop’ and in the routine of working, even while you’re looking for a dream job.

  2. Dave W says:

    Agreed, also I’d add stagnation to the list. The longer you go without work the harder it can be to motivate yourself to find it.

  3. Les George says:

    Absolutely spot on! Graduate’s spiral down so quickly when they’ve had a few rejections. The jobs are out there, however, it’s a full time job looking for them, so motivation and encouragement are a must – and help from someone like Nu-Recruit is essential!

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