Second choice? Could it ever be as good as first?
So the jobs market is now starting to really move. We’re seeing good candidates get snapped up & some very quickly. They flag up they’re ‘on market’ they fulfill a rarer skillset (payroll is one skill just like that). They get an interview quickly, get the job & in the ensuing flurry, this can sometimes […]

The interview: Research & prepare but it’s as crucial to relax & smile
Times have changed. Recruiting styles change & things are in & out of fashion & some traditional attitudes, styles & habits fall by the wayside. Assessment Centres, Psychometric Tests, Personality Tests – all are used & results picked over BUT the one thing that doesn’t seem to change / move / evolve is THE INTERVIEW. […]

Self belief & an open mind. Crucial for the employer & employee
Last month we placed a really unusual candidate from a very unusual background in an unusual job. (Hopefully it won’t be the first time we place in this unusual job! As we placed successfully we’ll be expecting more business) but the circumstances of how & why we filled the job…& who with, is the reason […]

Resign with your head – not your heart!
Yesssss!!! You got that new job & you’re excited, thrilled & so pleased with yourself. Now…the hard part. To resign. I’ve been a recruiter for 20 years & I’m telling you now, more than ever, you need to get that resignation in & stick to it. Employers are making it difficult for candidates that have […]

How Temping can add value to your CV, Prospects & future salary
How Temping can add tangible value to your CV. I got a call last week from one of my Liverpool clients wanting 2 Legal Secretaries, but with a particular focus on ones that knew a little about archiving. I called 2 great candidates & though neither were experts on Archiving, they’re working away & all […]

Look at me. LOOK AT ME!!
So I advertise a job in Liverpool this week & I’m inundated (and I mean inundated) & I’m up against other recruiters & I need to make decisions on CV’s that come over. Fast & accurately! So….how do I do it? So I thought about putting this blog out there. Hoping it might be useful […]

I still get this question – does it matter what I wear for interviews?
You’d think this question must be so old hat (pardon the pun) wouldn’t you? But it’s frequently posed to me & for those that it might help…here are my thoughts on it. Some contentious & some not. And there are NO hard & fast rules, but simply my overall observations. Firstly – before anything…STOP […]

My PERSONAL TOP 10 CV Turn off’s & on’s!
I get asked these a lot & so here we go with a real, tangible Do’s & Don’t’s Blog. Read on & though you might not agree with everything – you might catch a piece of advice that could help you further down the line. Jobseekers need to be heeding advice given. Whether […]

So, yes, I won Chester SME Businesswoman of the Year 2013.
So there I was, in my pretty dress & with a few clients last Thursday at Bolesworth Castle. The names for the FInalists for SME Business of the Year were about to be read out. Hilariously someone on the table whispered ‘Get your best false grin on’….. And then a mad thing happened. Someone read […]

The Reluctant Entrepreneur. Not shrugging now am I?
The week before last I saw some Awards blurb for ‘Chester Businesswoman of the Year’ & I vaguely thought about entering them & nominating myself. A couple of clients mentioned it too. But I shelved it & thought I’d look into it if I had a ‘clear’ day….and the deadline crept closer & closer. And […]