Was it me…..?
Forgive me for going all truthful & non ‘Recruity’ on you but today has really taken me aback.
Today (after 27yrs of doing this job & of course I’ve had disappointments along the way) I was let down by a candidate that I thought was the most perfect, friendly warm & most of all good fit for one of my favourite clients. And it’s totally pulled the recruiting rug from under me. But its made me think of the ripple of our actions….
I don’t need to go into details but in the most basic sense, someone clearly fibbed. Someone decided to not do what they’d say they’d do & left me to mop up the detritus. As a result I have a very unhappy client who’d waited patiently for the start date & a bruised ego. No – worse – a damaged ego.
And WORSE ….a candidate who really wanted the job but was a close second choice. So they were rejected. We’ve made the decision to not go back & we’re starting afresh. Hard to explain but sometimes that’s the best way. But I could’ve made another candidate very happy in a new shiny job.
I did NOT see this coming. I moved lots to meet the candidate to suit them. My customer did the same. We took into account the personal circumstances that we’d had outlined & came up with a decent offer & I stayed in touch through it all.
The reason for the blog is to say if we all took a moment to just think about our manners, the results of our actions (or indeed non actions) then wouldn’t the world be a better place? I’d never ever let anyone down in the way I’ve been let down & I do believe in the old adage of what goes around etc…but I appreciate not everyone is like me/nor my client.
I still have the job & fair to say my client knows I try my best. We’ll get there but just really could have done without the rejecting other disappointed candidates, the fibbing, the lost time & sadly no one has learned anything from the exercise.
It would serve us all well in life AND in business to treat & think of others as we’d like to be treated & thought of.
I’m Roseanne & I successfully run Nu-Recruit Career Consultants. I proudly place permanent & temporary candidates of the very best quality into great local employers & jobs in Liverpool, Chester & Wirral. In an authentic, expert, no-fuss, no-nonsense way.
And I (usually) love what I do.
Call us if you think our experience & reputation will help you get the best candidate for your job! And please feel free comment on my Blog…..
Hi Roseanne,
You are clearly someone who gives their all and cares very much about others and you obviously run your business with a passion. At some point we are all effected in life by things beyond our control and and whilst its painful and confusing it`s important not to attach any feelings of reponsibility for other peoples actions! Ithink it`s admirable that you`ve put this out for people to see, it speaks volumes about your character and ethics!
Simon Lyons.