Tins of Beans blog

In my first ever interview for my first recruitment consultant job, back in the day when recruiting was funky, fresh & new & no-body used LinkedIn & an iphone would’ve seen you tied to a Ducking Stool, I was told that ‘selling candidates isn’t like selling tins of beans….’ Obvious you say…..but in the span of a 19 year long career in recruiting – this sentence resonated with me time & time again.


So Its Monday. I’ve had a candidate go to interview & lose her nerves though she’s fabulous for the job, I heard from a HRD last week that they turned down a candidate (not mine) as her false eyelashes were too much & this week I’ve got to cajole my client to see more candidates for a role in which (I think) he’s picked the weakest candidate. She can do the job – but others simply smile more & it’s a crucial part of the role.


I’ve learned (to my cost sometimes) that Candidates LOOK & act different in Manchester to Liverpool & clients in Chester are so much harder to please- they won’t take risks. I’ve also learned that recruiting in Cities is a less bumpy ride than the provinces & candidates take it in their stride BUT candidates from the ‘country’ try that much harder. Clients in Liverpool trust me to judge with their eyes & ears. My Cheshire clients do – but amusingly only after they’ve SEEN & HEARD the discussed candidates. No problem to me – to find the right candidate I have no request that’s too far!


And lets not forget the client – though I don’t sell you – in a way I do. You & your organization. Clients can forget that candidates need stroking too. If you’re a dragon in an interview & come back with a paltry offer – even in this day & age & in fact MORE in this market when candidates realize that they’re going to have to stick with this job as the market’s tight – they can & do say no.

It all adds up to making recruiting absolutely NOT like selling a tin of beans. It’s a really fine art of pleasing both sides of the people conundrum.


So lets all celebrate (though I’ll caveat that by saying it’d be nice not to have candidates decide to go to interviews chewing gum etc – insert your own bete noir here) the fact that my product – and indeed you & all of your staff – aren’t tins of beans.


Vive le Difference!


I’ve also learned that no matter how much age is NOT SUPPOSED to be judged. It is. But that’s another blog for another day…..


I’m Roseanne Stockton & I successfully run Nu-Recruit Career Consultants – I place permanent candidates of the very best caliber into great local employers & jobs in Liverpool, Chester & Manchester. In a no-fuss, no nonsense way.


And I love what I do.


Call me if you think my 19 years of experience will help you get the best candidate for your job!
And please feel free comment on my Blog…..remember – you’re not a Tin of Beans either!

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