Keep Calm. Its only your new job!

Be kind to yourself. Everyone has new job nerves!

I’ve placed 100’s of candidates over the years (possibly 1000’s dare I say) & one of my most frequent conversations, especially with younger candidates, is that they MUST give themselves the time & the space in their new job role time to settle in, to adapt & to learn.

I often see candidates that start working about 17 / 18 years old & stay there 6 or 7 years & if that isn’t being ‘settled’ I don’t know what is. (In my opinion, 6 years in a job if you start it directly from school is, I believe, long enough.)

So they go for a new challenge & lo & behold…they get it.

Great – but so so quickly I see the panicking & the expecting to know everything in one week kicks in. And the reason for this blog isn’t sparked from what the candidates say, it’s listening to the clients; their new employers. They’re usually perfectly happy with them but the added pressure on the candidates themselves can muddy the water & mistakes can happen as a result of that. Younger candidates panic very soon when they start. They’re harder on themselves. Employers don’t want that. They want you to enjoy your new job, to relax & to adapt.

Take some advice from a sage old Recruiter – settle into jobs. Don’t expect to know everything overnight & honestly – write things down. Its a wonderful life skill to learn. Ask yourself: how would you know how to do that task if you’ve never done it before? You wouldn’t & your new employer doesn’t expect you to know it I can't keep calm because it's a new job - Nu-Recruit Liverpool, Chester, Wirral. either. And ask. Don’t sit & quietly flap or worry….ask. It helps you to get to know folk in the office too.

And over a short period of time, you’ll find you relax. After all – everyone has been in the same position as you haven’t they?

I’m Roseanne Stockton & I successfully run Nu-Recruit Career Consultants – I place permanent & temporary candidates of the very best quality into great local employers & jobs in Liverpool, Chester & Wirral. In a no-fuss, no nonsense way.

And I love what I do.

Call me if you think my experience will help you get the best candidate for your job! And please feel free comment on my Blog

One response to “Keep Calm. Its only your new job!”

  1. Garry Wilson says:

    Great Post, really useful thanks for sharing

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