Is there a place for the word ‘nice’ in a job spec?

So we all know I recruit. Permanent staff, temp staff, first jobbers, close to retirement candidates, part timers & £50K+ Senior Roles & lately, more than ever, I’ve seen that ‘nice’ candidates win the day & get the job.

You might read that as a subjective, twee word & think it’s nonsense, but all I can say is that it’s crept into decision making more & more over the past year. I always sought out ‘nice’ candidates, but now I’m pretty certain that if I have 2 that are neck & neck on decision, its simply the tiny bit extra ‘niceness’ that can give a potential employee the edge they need to get that offer. And before you mail me if you didn’t get a job with me….that doesn’t mean you’re not nice…read on!

So – why the shift? What does ‘nice’ in job seeking / spec terms mean?

We all hear, feel & sense how tough it is out there but believe me, clients still recruit however, more than ever, do not want to make mistakes. I’m perhaps lucky as I class all my clients as ‘nice’ too & none want to employ a candidate who leaves a job to join them for it not to work out. They want to nurture that candidate & have them grow & develop & they want to see the relationship lasting. Not just because they pay a fee, but if they value their staff they want new appointments to add harmony, skills & personality to their Team. And that – subjective though it is – means they’re after someone who is well skilled, bright, eager, well mannered & …..NICE.

Obviously, a lot of really nice candidates can’t & don’t get their desired job. It can only go to one candidate. I can guarantee they’re the ones that just get pipped at the post, which is an awful place to find yourself. In that situation, you just have to believe that the next client that comes along buys particularly into your brand of NICE & always remember not to let your standards slip as the competition is very stiff. None of us can be everybody’s cup of tea!

All candidates are different & all come with foibles, quirks & qualities. As do clients! To me, all my clients & candidates are nice. But lately, the ones that do the homework, are particularly respectful, ever – so polite & just brilliant at getting back to me seem to be the ones that attract that catch all phrase – NICE. And they’re getting the jobs.

I’m Roseanne Stockton & I successfully run Nu-Recruit Career Consultants – I place permanent & temporary candidates of the very best caliber into great local employers & jobs in Liverpool, Chester & Manchester. In a no-fuss, no nonsense way.

And I love what I do. And I’m good at it!

Call me if you think my experience will help you get the best candidate for your job! And please feel free comment on my Blog.


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