Have ‘things’ really changed?
This is my first blog in 2yrs. I just lost my mojo for it. But I couldn’t seem to keep a lid on this one.
Short & sharp – lets have it:
It’s all I know & I seem to be OK at it (after 30yrs) but recruiting is so much less enjoyable than it used to be. It’s become a ‘hunt hunt hunt the candidate, stand at your PC (I’ve a stand-up desk & I cant recall the last time I sat down), email, call & tempt those inactive candidates’ job. And unfortunately, that results in it being, in the main, just not as ‘nice’ as going back to applicants who’ve applied to your ad & job. The balance is less warm & as I’m no salesperson, I feel that its more intrusive than I’ve been used to working. But it is what it is & I’m an experienced recruiter & a ‘nice’ person (I think) so I still successfully find most of my candidates that way & so, of course, I do it.
Candidates are so much less likely to engage than they used to. Again, I accept I’m maybe too soft to recruit; but I particularly don’t like that. Being ignored is awful & this (she shoves in as fast as she can before I get the ‘taste of your own medicine’ cry) is from a recruiter who replies to every single applicant. When they engage it’s a lot more cagey than it used to be. And I get it. I’m not judging, I’m just stating for this blog, that it wasn’t like that ‘before’.
3 months’ notice is haunting jobs now. It’s not been the norm in my market at all & as yet….. but its coming. And it’s rarely greeted with pleasure. From the candidates who want to leave but must grind it out, to their new employers who so keenly want them to join. And me. But it feels like an inevitable post pandemic road we’re going to go down.
Though I sense a shade of a slowing down yes, wages are nowadays improved upon at offer IF that employer thinks you’re perfect. Just to caveat that: its again, IF the employer thinks you’re perfect & they absolutely don’t want to lose you. But as of late, I do sense a finer & finer line between ‘we really really want you’ to…’erm nope that’s approaching our red line’. I haven’t lost anyone on salary but the negotiations are longer now, more fraught, delicate & definitely less easy. Candidates are determined & harder about their absolutes & again, though I’ve not lost any roles at offer, it’s happened that the brinkmanship can slightly taint the pleasure. Getting it over the line is now met with relief much more. I think if you’re a recruiter who doesn’t get to know your jobs, your candidates & your clients, this could be a real issue. For me, the confidence of getting that offer done comes from being absorbed in my work with decent candidate interview expertise & long term client relationships. Plus I tend know the job & client ‘red lines’ on the role & can thus anticipate & advise.
And I’ll leave this there. I’ll go back to standing at my PC (my Apple watch loves me though) & I’ll keep doing what I seem to do pretty well. Adapt & survive isn’t it?
I’m Roseanne & I successfully run Nu-Recruit & have done for 15yrs now. I place permanent candidates of the very best quality into impressive, successful local employers & jobs in Liverpool, Chester & Wirral. In a no-fuss, no-nonsense way.
And, despite all the above, I still love what I do.
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