Candidates: Speed & Tenacity Wins The Day – Again!

A blog for candidates: Tenacity, Speed & decisiveness – again – wins the day.

I’ve just placed a BELTER of a candidate.

I place some absolute smashers & some I place fast (once discovered) as I can spot them a mile off (erm quite important in this job!) & they’re whizzy at getting back to me & responding. And this little blog is to illustrate that once I find them – if you’re ‘that’ candidate it really is ‘all systems go’. I bet I had others just as good languishing in my CV’s & inbox that I also contacted, but only one offer ends up being made & the best men (or women) win the day. So why…..?

I’ve blogged about similar before & this is a short, sharp blog about it.

If you’ve got a mobile (& really – who hasn’t) SWITCH IT ON. Please don’t tell people you can’t call them back as you’ve no credit (sorry if that’s harsh – but it’s a fact) & don’t have a MAD voicemail. So you loved singing along to Harry Styles & have recorded it as your daft message. That’s not going to impress me (much!) & I doubt it’ll impress a HR Manager.

Ring me back asap & if I’m on voicemail…..guess what – I want you leave a message. Sounds obvious but lots of calls don’t leave voicemails & it baffles me. Totally.

Respond to emails as fast as you can. I recruited & placed this particular candidate after I mailed on Monday morning & we met at 5:30pm Monday evening. Ok I get that a lot of that are our circumstances; my diary + hers but my point specifically is, whilst I’ve arranged to meet her, registered her & placed her, I’ve still got emails drifting into my inbox that were contacted within a hour of her. Lost opportunities & perhaps a lost dream job.

Finally – you get to meet me, I really love your vibe & attitude & think the client (who incidentally is brilliant at moving fast on cracking candidates) will too. They want to see you in max 2 days time. It’s a really blunt fact that 9 times out of 10, the ones that can’t make the interview just get passed over. I’m not saying you’re any better or worse than the ones that go, but it usually pans out that you’re sidelined & get forgotten about.

Tenacity & speed & action wins the day.

I’m Roseanne & I successfully run Nu-Recruit Career Consultants – I place permanent & temporary candidates of the very best quality into great local employers & jobs in Chester, Wirral & Liverpool. In a no-fuss, no nonsense way.

And I love what I do.

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