Candidates & their ‘Curriculum Vitea’s’

I read yesterday that three quarters of candidates CV’s get rejected if they contain mistakes. And my honest response is….really – only that few?   This blog is borne out of hearing of this statistic on the same day as receiving a CV that seemed to go against everything that’s happening ‘out there’ in the […]

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In praise of the choosy candidate

So I’m in recruiting. Its going well thank you very much…but it just feels about time I put right some perceptions that I’m coming across day in & day out.   So everyone thinks its DREADFUL out there & nobody’s getting anywhere & no-one’s getting opportunities & there ‘are NO jobs.’ STOP….because that’s not right….. […]

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Recruiting with (& without) an Accent!

If we start by saying I’m a Geordie. I talk like a Geordie & can’t say ‘phone’ in that posh way that everyone else does. I’m not quite as Geordie as Cheryl – but I’ve an indentifiable Geordieness – & it’s innately in my personality & not just my in voice

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Tins of Beans blog

In my first ever interview for my first recruitment consultant job, back in the day when recruiting was funky, fresh & new & no-body used LinkedIn & an iphone would’ve seen you tied to a Ducking Stool, I was told that ‘selling candidates isn’t like selling tins of beans….’ Obvious you say…..but in the span of a 19 year long career in recruiting – this sentence resonated with me time & time again.

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